I don't know why I hate Comcast as much as I do... oh, wait, yes I do:
They never do what I need them to do.
Now, the old Natacia would have gone on a pages long rant about everything they have done to wrong me lately... but not this new optimistic Natacia. All I will say is this: I do not understand why they make everything so damn hard. I have a new TV (yes, it's HD, even though I told myself I would never fall into that fad -- but to be fair, it's pretty clear at this point that it's not so much a fad and more of a electronic way of life) and as such I decided to upgrade to HD cable. Seems simple enough, right? I mean, I told them that I am UPGRADING and giving them MORE MONEY so why wouldn't they bend over backwards to give me what I want? First they tell me they don't have any HD boxes and then magically they had a bunch more the next day. Fine. They tell me I have to return my regular box to them and switch it out for the new one. Fine. They tell me I have to go to the center at Michigan Avenue to get said box (or it'll be delivered in like a week or something crazy like that). Fine. So I do all this (though my landlord David was nice enough to make the trip to Michigan Ave since it's closer to his job than mine) and I recieve the HD box tonight.... but that's all it is -- just the box. Nothing else. No cables or wires except for one. Nothing to connect it to the TV. No HDMI cable... NOTHING. All the shit I got from the original cable box, I sent back -- and even if I hadn't, the other box didn't come with any HDMI CABLES!!!! So what the crap am I supposed to do? Buy my own??? I'm pretty sure Comcast is supposed to provide that sort of shit. I mean, they did with the regular cable box, why would this be any different? Especially since this damn box was like a $100 deposit. This is ridiculous. And now it's too late to call Comcast since their office is closed and it's almost the weekend AND SINCE MONDAY AND TUESDAY ARE GOVERNMENT HOLIDAYS I WOULD BET ANYTHING THEIR OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED TILL WEDNESDAY! And I swear on all that is holy that if this shit is not fixed by Wednesday, for the premiere of Lost, I will start chopping mother fucking heads like Lucy Liu in the first Kill Bill movie!!!
OK, I lied. I ranted. So what! I'm pissed! FUCK YOU, COMCAST!!!!
I would also like to add that the internet connection has been shaky at best with these assholes and everytime they send some idiot tech over here, the guy always seems totally baffled and/or annoyed that he's being forced to do his job. It's fucking ridiculous!
When the fuck is Verizon Fios coming to my neighborhood? Sweet Jesus.
And....... now I'm done. Serenity now.
PS: If Comcast isn't bending over backwards to help me when I call tomorrow, expect another rant. I'm serious.
About Me

- Natacia K
- “It isn't enough for your heart to break because everybody's heart is broken now.” -Allen Ginsberg
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