About Me

- Natacia K
- “It isn't enough for your heart to break because everybody's heart is broken now.” -Allen Ginsberg
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Random Statements of Fact
I'm seeing The Shins tonight in Albuquerque. I'm really fucking excited. I mean, really fucking excited! Also, I've been watching Freaks & Geeks a lot lately. I go through phases when I am absolutely addicted to those DVDs. And I think, with that and Knocked Up, I've developed a crush on Mr. Seth Rogen. He's not classically good looking, I suppose, but what normal person is these days? And I think I'm becoming homesick again. I miss my friends. I'm realizing now just how easy my life in VA was. I can't wait to visit in January. I wasn't going to visit again till summer, but I can't wait that long. I'm getting a car today, a Jeep I hope, and it's going to be sweet. I'll have to get it checked out by a mechanic, though, to make sure I don't get a lemon. This will make my life easier. My dog is getting so cute. He sleeps in bed with me now, at night. And he pretty much goes everywhere I go. He's getting so big! I'm sort of dating this guy named Mike. He's nice and all, but I'm not looking for anything too serious right now. Work is going well. I have some interesting opportunities coming up in the film world, if I can make some time. I'm addicted to orange Fanta because it's like the only thing the soda machine at work carries. I haven't seen any of the Office this season so I think I'm gonna have to watch it them online so I can go back to watching them on TV. I'm home alone a lot. I do nothing but study and read, really. The Balloon Fiesta on Sunday morning was amazing. I'm starting up my Netflix again because I miss it. I'm going to Albuquerque again this weekend to see Across the Universe for the second time because that movie is so amazing. I am in love with Jude, the main character. I haven't gone grocery shopping in ages. I had a migraine on Monday which kept me in bed all day. I feel much better now. I guess I have a lot more to say, but who's really interested? I'm good at Blogger Small Talk, I suppose.
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Random Responses to Random Statements of Fact.
I'm jealous. I'm really fucking jealous. Are you a freak and/or geek? The Jason Segal opening to the show where he's doing the Rush drum solo is one of my favourite TV moments ever. Subjective attractiveness is overrated, it's all about how they make you feel. Also, it makes you look better when you stand next to them ("You're prettier than me."). I miss my friends too, you better come back to VA soon. Make it early January, though because I'll have classes the second half. Did you get the car? I've named my Blazer "Babe" after Paul Bunyan's ox. I don't think Yvonne appreciates it as much as I do. I'll laugh in a sympathetic way if you buy a yellow jeep that turns out to be a lemon. Get it??? That being said, I just pumped $850 into Babe. No Christmas from me. Yvonne's dog is hilarious. It tries to jump on the couch but has a vertical of about 1 1/2 inches. Mike, eh? Is he "classically good looking?" You should be a Fanta girl for Halloween. Dontcha wanta, want a Fanta? The Office has been really good so far. The hour long episodes drag a bit at times, but Dwight has totally stolen the show. I'm not home alone enough. Me too. I want to ride in a hot air balloon so bad. I've totally neglected my Blockbuster Online. I think I'm going to cancel it. I almost saw Across the Universe. I probably won't see it unless I'm on a date, which means I probably won't see it. Grocery shopping sucks. You buy a bunch of food only to get home and realize you haven't bought anything at all. I'm glad you're feeling better. More to say? Really? Because you've said a lot.
Steven, you're my favorite. Despite this, I probably won't be able to visit till late January. HOWEVER, I'm visiting my friend Alex at Mary Washington. If I'm up for it, maybe I'll come visit you too! Also, my Jeep IS yellow (I don't remember ever mentioning that, but that would be weird of you to make that joke if I had NOT mentioned it at some point.) She is called "The Yellow Submarine." I need to get a license plate that says this as well. And as soon as I do, I'm posting it the pictures online. I want to see Yvonne's dog so bad, I'm like counting down the days! I finally saw the Office, and you are right. The conversation between Dwight and Angela where he tells her Sprinkles is dead is literally one of the funniest moments that show has ever had. And I am seriously considering being a Fanta girl, whether you were serious in that suggestion or not. I think it would be amazing. You should definitely see Across the Universe.... but maybe see it on video. I hate to say it, but it is kind of a date movie. Even though I've seen it 3 times... one time alone. And speaking of movies, the new Wes Anderson is coming out nationally any day now! Holy crap, I can't wait. I wish we could all see it together. Maybe when it comes out on DVD... Also, I hope you actually read my response comment because if you don't I just wasted like 5 minutes of my life. And that would suck. Since I should be doing schoolwork right now.
With all of the surveys and movie ratings that you do, I find it humorous that you are worried about "wasting 5 minutes" on writing a response on your blog. :-)
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